IL SESSO DEGLI ANGELI di R. Castello. Foto di Massimo Bianchini

IL SESSO DEGLI ANGELI by R. Castello. With Erica Bravini, Ilenia Romano. Photo by Massimo Bianchini

Preview (study): 11-12-13/12/2024 (h20,30) SPAM! Porcari (LU) IT
31/01/2025 (h20.30) In Levare /Teatro Palladium, Roma IT

7-8/03/2025 CANGO Cantieri Goldonetta / La democrazia del corpo 2025, Firenze IT
27/09/2025 (h19.00) SpazioKörper, Napoli IT
16/10/2025 Spazio Rossellini, Roma IT
18/11/2025 Teatro Cartiera, Rovereto IT
– dates to be defined –

choreography, direction, music Roberto Castello
dance Erica Bravini, Ilenia Romano
production ALDES
with the support of MIC – Ministero della Cultura, Regione Toscana / Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo

There is no denying that the initial intention of “Il sesso degli angeli” (“The Sex of the Angels”) was to find humour in the inclination of the theatrical world – normally so unrestrained in its moral teachings – to retreat into prudent silences and tactical repositioning in the most politically delicate moments. Once rehearsals began, however, the caustic approach began to diminish, while recollections of years past began to emerge, of times when, amidst avant-gardism, poor theatre and oriental influences, many searched for the expressive power of bodies in their absolute, naked presence. A desire for the centrality of the human that, combining politics, mysticism, philosophy and psychoanalysis, answered questions from another era, but which perhaps also makes sense again in today’s world, where many seem resigned to the paradox that only technologies, the market, artificial intelligence and migration to Mars can, perhaps, save us.

But, although these are certainly the thoughts behind the performance, “The Sex of Angels”, in keeping with its title, has no subject matter. It merely presents a rough stage with two performers who, with absolute dedication, perform an asymmetrical, whimsical, at times disarming score, which in the end may allow something ascribable to the angelic dimension to shine through.

(Roberto Castello)